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Noise Engineering Xer Mixa 次回入荷分

販売価格: 156,073円

[通常販売価格: 160,900円]

重さ: 2lb


Xer Mixa is a mixer with ten stereo-paired inputs (8 channels and 2 aux-ins), three stereo-paired output busses, tactile controls, and a 100% analog signal path with low noise and crosstalk, pristine sound quality, and ultra-high headroom. A built-in analog leveling amplifier is great for adding some punch to your mix. A digital control interface harnesses the true power of hybrid design, allowing for state save and recall, per-channel pan law and pre/post send settings, multichannel editing, and MIDI I/O.

Xer Mixa features 10 stereo-paired input channels: 8 interactive fader-controlled channels and two aux inputs. All 10 inputs feature clickless mutes. The screen makes configuration of per-channel pan-law settings, pre- or post-fader sends, and channel and MIDI CC routing simple and intuitive. Save your settings in one of seven preset slots for easy recall for your next set or session.

We designed Xer Mixa to be as compact as possible, with a streamlined and compact-yet-usable interface. However, if you’re looking for CV control, the 4 HP Expando Expandi adds 8 freely assignable CV inputs to the Xer Mixa. Connect up to two Expando Expandi to Xer Mixa for easy CV control over channel levels, pan, aux sends, and more. Xer Mixa and Expando Expandi are available individually or together as a discounted bundle (save 10%!).

Xer Mixa can also be oriented with the jacks at the top or the bottom: a simple system setting inverts the whole interface for easy customization to fit your rig. And despite its extensive I/O, Xer Mixa clocks in at just 32 HP. Whether you have a massive studio rig or a compact performance system, Xer Mixa is the perfect choice for a tactile, expressive mixing experience.


  • 32HP Eurorack
  • +12v: 500mA
  • -12v: 250mA

Xer — from Greek cherest for "here is"

Mixa — from Latin for "mix."

“Here is a lotta mixer”



  • Module
  • Power cable
  • 5-pin MIDI to TRS cable

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