4ms Dual EnvVCA [DEV] 次回入荷分
[通常販売価格: 36,900円 ]
重さ: 1lb
The Dual EnvVCA is a two-channel analog linear envelope generator with two fully independent low-noise exponential VCAs. With time ranges from 30 minutes to 8kHz, it can be used as an LFO, slew limiter, ASR/ADSR complex EG, audio-rate oscillator, stereo audio/CV VCA, envelope follower, sidechain processor, and general utility module. The outputs can be attenuated, inverted, and offset without disrupting the VCA, making it a versatile modulation source.
100% analog
Dual EnvVCA features:
Versatile linear envelope generator/LFO Low-noise, low-distortion, DC-coupled exponential VCAs 100% analog Sliders and Range switches control Rise and Fall times from ~1.25ms to ~5 min. Time CV jack extends time range: ~125µs (8kHz) to ~30 min. Independent attenuverters for Rise and Fall time Blue/Red LEDs indicate strength and polarity Cycle buttons for looping envelopes (LFO) Trigger input jacks fire a one-shot envelope Cycle gate input jack toggles cycling for both channels EOR/F (End of Rise/Fall) gate outputs can be used to chain and sequence events Env Level and Offset knobs scale and shift Env Out without changing VCA volume Audio In and Out jacks for passing audio or CV through the VCA VCA CV inputs to use VCAs independently from the envelopes:VCA gain internally connected to envelope output when VCA CV jack is left unpatched Follow input jacks allow for slew limiting, sustain (ASR), and exotic filtering effects Re-trig jumpers allow for re-triggering during rise phase The Dual EnvVCA is essentially a Shaped Dual EnvVCA without the waveshaping abilities, ASR trigger mode, or extra 5V envelope outputs.
Dual EnvVCA
16HP Eurorack format module0.95” (24mm) maximum depth (includes power cable) 10-pin Eurorack power header Power consumption Audio/VCA100k input impedance, 1k output impedance, DC-coupled VCA gain range: -90dB to +0.9dB DC to 20kHz, +/-0.1dB VCA response to CV: exponential Envelope TimesMinimum rise or fall time: ~62us per segment (8kHz max frequency) Maximum rise time: >10 minutes (typically > 13 minutes) Maximum fall time: >20 minutes (typically > 40 minutes) Jacks: Env jack: Min = -10.2V, Max = +10.1V
, maximum amplitude 9.3Vpp Trigger jack: rising edge threshold = 2.5V Cycle jack: rising edge threshold = 2.5V Follow jack: active range = 0V to +5V EO* jacks:EOR (channel A): <80mV low to >4.50V high gate output EOF (channel B): <80mV low to >4.95V high gate output Minimum stable pulse width: 1ms. Shorter than this may produce extra 50µs pulses Audio In/Out jacks: -10V to +10V maximum range without clipping Manual:
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