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ギター エフェクター  販売 通販


Maneco Labs man-eko station (eurorack) 

販売価格: 44,523円

[通常販売価格: 45,900円]

重さ: 1lb


This Eurorack model is an effect unit including a resonant low pass filter and a delay section, both modulated from an LFO with square or triangle selection.

It also includes a square wave oscillator and white noise generator, for self sounding capabilities.

Nose generator combined with modulated filter allows for waves, wind, spaces to be self synthesized inside the unit.


Cut Off : Low pass filter cut frequency

Rez : filter resonance

Mod left : filter lfo modulation

Time : Delay rate

Feedback : delay recirculation.

Mod right : delay lfo modulation

Blend : Delay mix

Osc Freq : square wave oscillator frequency

Oscillator: square wave oscillator level

Rate: Low frequency oscillator speed

LFO WF left : filter modulation wave selector, square and triangle

LFO WF right : Delay modulation wave selector, square and triangle

LFO range switch: allows LFO to generate audio range oscillations besides its normal low frequency operation

NOISE : white noise generator mix

Level Left: Input volume Level right : Output volume

jacks: input, filter control voltage, output

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