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ACL FCVS-4 quad fader CV source

販売価格: 36,763円

[通常販売価格: 37,900円]


Superior 60 mm quad fader CV source including MUTE feature

The ACL Fader CV Source Module comprises 4 individual faders where each can generate a CV either going between 0 and +5V or 0 and +10V unipolar or -5V and +5V or -10V and +10V bipolar, selectable using 2 jumpers on the backside of the module.

Furthermore there are mute-switches for each channel accompanied with an dual color LED (green/red) which shows the channels mute status. When mute is activated or deactivated, short fade ramps will be generated as well as the fader itself is slightly slew-limited internally in order to generate a smooth CV.

This module is very useful to control VCA´s or VC mixers like our VC Amp mix module.


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