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2hp TM 次回入荷分

販売価格: 18,333円

[通常販売価格: 18,900円]

重さ: 1lb


TM is a probabilistic random sequence generator based on the research of Alan Turing. His Turing machine was a mathematical model of computation that could, in theory, create any output based on a set of instructions and input variables. In a similar way, the TM chooses random values for steps in a sequence based on the user's probability settings. By manipulating probability and sequence length, the module can generate an infinite number of sequences. Whether you're looking for a controlled random source, or an evolving melody generator, TM has you covered.

- Probability control from full random, to locked sequence
- Sequence length from 1-32 steps
- Amplitude control for limiting the range of new random values
- Run through a quantizer for generative melodies

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