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2hp Comb

販売価格: 20,273円

[通常販売価格: 20,900円]

重さ: 1lb


Comb is an IIR peaking comb filter with control over cutoff frequency, resonance that can be driven into self oscillation, and a dampening filter in the feedback path.

An incredibly short, tuned delay line will alter the character of your input by imposing harmonic peaks on the source. Subtle settings can result in thickening timbres, reminiscent of phaser-like effects, while more extreme settings can create lustrous string sounds from white noise, or tear your waveform to shreds.

Explore new sonic territory with Comb.

Download the Comb manual here

Comb filter
Capable of self oscillation
Feedback path dampening filter
Infinite impulse response topology

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