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Noise Engineering Melotus Versio ステレオ ディレイ 次回入荷分

販売価格: 61,983円

[通常販売価格: 63,900円]

重さ: 1lb


Stereo-in, stereo-out grain delays, accompaniment, and transformation and DSP platform

Melotus Versio is a stereo texturizer that uses granular processing to transform and reshape sound. Designed to be played by hand or manipulated within a patch, Melotus is everything from a grain delay to a completely transformative texturizer with grain control and manipulation of triggering, direction, and randomness. Filter audio with a lowpass/highpass combo filter that adds haunting shimmers and subharmonics. Freeze grains by hand or with triggers and gates, or clock them to create rhythmic effects.

Plus, MV is part of our Versio stereo DSP platform. A simple USB connection will allow you to update to a variety of effects firmwares. Open-source support is available through libDaisy, which allows you to write your own firmware! All info can be found on the World of Versio page here.


  • 10 HP
  • +12v: 70ma
  • -12v: 70ma
  • +5v: 0ma

Melotus: from Latin for badger. Also a contraction of a genus of spiny cacti.

Versio: from Latin for versatile.

“Versatile spiky badger”


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