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Expert Sleepers BEATRIX -Phaser Module 次回入荷分

販売価格: 30,943円

[通常販売価格: 31,900円]

重さ: 1lb


'Beatrix' is a phaser, offering voltage control over notch frequencies, effect depth and feedback (resonance). It also offers an unusual 'offset' control allowing you to sweep the filter notches without sweeping the resonant frequency.

Further options are provided by the 'phase' switch (which disables the phasing sound and essentially turns the module into a resonant peak filter) and 'sum' switch (which inverts the filtered signal, giving a different flavour of phasing).

Beatrix will self-oscillate at high feedback if desired, though the front panel control is factory-trimmed to stop just short of self-oscillation.

The module is 100% analogue, using discrete transistor OTAs.


Beatrix's specifications are as follows:
  • Panel width: 8HP
  • Module depth: 37mm
  • Current draw: 22mA on the +12V rail, 21mA on the -12V rail
  • Inputs:
    • Frequency (approximately 1V/octave, with attenuator)
    • Offset
    • Depth
    • Feedback
    • Audio input (with attenuator)
  • Outputs:
    • Audio output

For more detail, please see the user manual.

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