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Cosmotronic Delta-V 次回入荷分

販売価格: 35,793円

[通常販売価格: 36,900円]

重さ: 1lb


Dual function generator and VCA 
Delta-V is a dual function generator with a built in VCA's.

An all analog design, packed with loads of functionality in only 10HP.

Delta-v can generate very snappy envelopes that sound great with percussion. The built in VCA's make patching fast and easy.

The output voltage can go from -10 to +10 volts, set with handy output attenuverters.

A link switch can quickly connect both trigger inputs, no need for stackables or mults.

Each channel has an End Of Cycle output, that sends out a trigger after the cycle has finished.

Each channel has an LFO switch. This loops the envelope, and goes up to audiorate (to 1.7kHz), or extremely slow, with envelopes of more than an hour possible.

The VCA inputs have 5v normalized to them. With nothing patched into this input, the output will be the envelope, with the level set by the attenuverter.

If you patch an audio source into the VCA input, the output will be the enveloped audio source.

If you patch a cv into the VCA input, for example from a sequencer, you can alter the amplitude of the envelope. Great for accents and added dynamics.

Envelopes ignore retriggers in the attack phase, but do retrigger in the decay phase. This allows for clock and pulse divisions, and musical rhythmic variations.

The trigger inputs take any signal as an input, and turn it into a trigger pulse, generating an attack-decay envelope.

The slew inputs take gate signals, and slew them, but will keep a sustain as long as the gate is high. This creates a classic ASR envelope.
10 HP
20 mm deep
Current Draw
70 mA +12V
70 mA -12V
0 mA 5V

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