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Erica Synths Pico Noise


Pico NOISE is a versatile noise and percussion sounds source. It consists of white a noise generator, a resonant VCF to generate various colours of the noise – from extremely dark ones to high pitched resonant sweeps and a VCA/decay envelope generator combination to create range of percussion sounds to emulate hi-hats, cymbals and even sine tone-based percussions, when the resonance is full up.


  • White noise generator 
  • Resonant VCF for coloured noise 
  • VCA and decay envelope combo for percussion sounds 
  • Input and output protection against overvoltage 
  • Protection against reverse PSU connection

Technical specifications:

Output amplitude-5V — +5V
Max decay time350ms
Power consumption+27mA, -25mA
Module width3HP
Module depth35mm

Manuals book

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