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Erica Synths Desktop Matrix Mixer 次回入荷分

販売価格: 93,993円

[通常販売価格: 96,900円]

重さ: 6lb


As Eurorack users may know, it can be challenging to change a patch radically during a performance, therefore diverse performances require large systems or they end up being extremely experimental. But what if you could repatch your system with the push of a single button?


  • All analogue signal path
  • 16 buffered, DC coupled inputs
  • 16 independent, buffered, DC coupled outputs
  • 256 connections, each with 3 attenuation levels
  • Random pattern mode with definable randomization area and density
  • 254 pattern memory
  • Pattern change via MIDI program change messages
  • 32 3,5mm jack sockets
  • 4 6,3mm jack sockets

The Erica Synths Matrix Mixer is a 16 – input, 16 - output desktop patch matrix – it can route and mix signals with high precision, create buffered multiples and random patches. It can also interface external instruments with your Eurorack system, and – it’s not limited to Eurorack!

You can use the Matrix Mixer with semi-modular synthesizers, as well as through adapter cards with the EMS Synthi and Buchla Music Easel. Thanks to simple patch changes via panel buttons or MIDI program change messages, the Matrix Mixer will be particularly useful in performances that combine Eurorack and other performance instruments, such as drums, guitars, wind instruments, etc. Make your modular performance stand out and enjoy the Matrix Mixer!

Technical specifications:

Audio level10V ptp
Attenuation level1, 0.7, 0.3
Power supply12VDC (a universal AC/DC
converter included)
Size of the instrument225 x 226 x 44mm
Net mass1.25kg

Manuals book


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