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Expert Sleepers Disting EX 次回入荷分

販売価格: 64,900円

重さ: 1lb


The disting EX is a multifunction Eurorack module, building on the rich legacy of the previous disting incarnations, which can operate as
  • two souped-up disting mk4s, or as
  • a single powerful module in its own right.
Fully DC-coupled, all inputs and outputs can be CVs or audio, depending on the selected function. The functions on offer include audio processing (filters, delays etc.), CV processing and generation (quantizers, pattern generators etc.), oscillators (VCOs, LFOs etc.), and sample playback.

Brand new features for the disting EX include an eight voice polyphonic sample (WAV) player, a powerful stereo tape delay (based on our own Augustus Loop), and a dedicated WAV recorder mode. Since launch, new features have been added including a full-featured polysynth and a granulator.

When acting as two disting mk4s, the disting EX offers these advantages:
  • Higher sample rate (96kHz)
  • Much more RAM (so all delays, reverbs etc. can be much longer)
  • Lower latency when triggering samples (now 700µs)
  • And of course, an OLED display.


We are delighted to provide with the disting EX a 32GB MicroSD card pre-loaded with sample content from Spitfire AudioGoldbaby and Adventure Kid.
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Spitfire Audio work with the world’s best composers, producers, engineers and studios to create detailed, sophisticated and realistic recordings of instruments. Our virtual instruments and sample libraries enable you to perform and compose within your DAW (Digital Audio Workstation), offering thousands of sounds for endless inspiration.

The disting EX's MicroSD card contains 44 sets of WAVs specially prepared for the disting EX from the Spitfire LABS sample sets - almost 5GB of samples in total - and a discount code redeemable against any of Spitfire's libraries.
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With a passion for vintage drum machines, synthesizers, vinyl, tape and music technology, Goldbaby has a fantastic reputation for creating useful and interesting instruments for use in many different genres of music.

The disting EX's MicroSD card contains 27 sets of WAVs from Goldbaby's "free stuff" page, ready formatted for use by the module.
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Kristoffer Ekstrand (aka Adventure Kid)'s "AKWF FREE" wavetable samples have long been a favourite of disting users. As well as these, the disting EX's card includes 50 new wavetables from the "AKESWF" collection.

Launch event video


The disting EX's specifications are as follows:
  • Panel width: 8HP
  • Module depth: 50mm
  • Current draw: 229mA on the +12V rail, 50mA on the -12V rail
  • Input & output voltage range: ±10V
  • Expansion:
    • Header for 5-pin DIN MIDI via a compatible breakout.
    • Header for connecting FHX-8CV or FHX-8GT expanders.
    • Header for connecting an ES-5 expander.
    • Header for an I2C bus connection to compatible devices (e.g. the 16n Faderbank)
  • Compatible with the Doepfer CV/gate bus and the Select Bus.
For more detail, please see the user manual.

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