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BEFACO InAmp - デュアル プリアンプ モジュール 次回入荷分

販売価格: 21,243円

[通常販売価格: 21,900円]

重さ: 1lb


BEFACO InAmp - デュアル プリアンプ モジュール

Inamp is a dual pre-amp in just 4 HPs. Featuring 6,3 Jacks inputs as well as Minijacks.
Both inputs are summed so you can use them at the same time as an input mixer.

The unit is designed to amplify up to x20 the input signal, allowing to amplify most of the music machines out there (Domestic line levels) as well as some guitars (Hum bucket-like pickups and so).

The first channel is normaled to second one in series, so it’s possible to have two stages of amplification or two separate ones.

7 mA +12V
3 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
47 mm deep

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