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商品詳細 Power (Skiff Case用 ポータブル 2hp power モジュール) 

販売価格: 21,243円

[通常販売価格: 21,900円]

重さ: 1lb

商品詳細 Power (Skiff Case用 ポータブル 2hp power モジュール)

• Portable 2hp power module with dual passive mults – for compact cases
• 12-20V DC (2.1 or 2.5mm / 5.5 mm DC barrel, PSU not included)
• Delivers up to 1A from +12V,
• Delivers up to 650mA from -12V via flying busboard
Depth: 42mm (with plugged ribbon cable)
Included flying ribbon cable busboard: approx. 40 cm
Number of female sockets (to the bus): 2
Number of male (bus) sockets to power modules: 5

Power module accepts universal 2.1 or 2.5 inner diameter, 5.5mm outer diameter DC plug barrel

Use any DC (direct current) voltage source: adapter or battery with 12 to 20V 1-2A and more (barrel negative/pin positive)

Recommended PSU model: Mean Well GST90A12-P1M 6.6A 12V Recommended battery model: Vinsic 30000mAh Power Bank 4.5A 19V


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