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Hexinverter Électronique VCNO 次回入荷分

販売価格: 32,900円

重さ: 1lb


VCNO is a noise oscillator, capable of producing full spectrum white noise and various random signals. But that’s where its similarity to other noise generators stops. VCNO can be used like a VCO – you can modulate the pitch over CV and use its multiple outputs simultaneously, each with a distinct sonic character. As well, you can patch it into a VCA or use it to modulate and trigger other elements in your modular system.Features
NOISE is the main LFSR output. With the pitch knob turned fully clockwise this will output pure white noise. As you turn the pitch down, the noise evolves into crunchy noise, reminiscent of vintage video game sounds
Technical specifications:

Width 6HP

Depth 30mm

Current draw +49mA, -39mA @ 12V

In September 2022 Stacy Gaudreau - the founder of Hexinverter Électronique, announced closing down the operations. Following their announcement, Erica Synths in cooperation with Hexinverter Électronique saw a way for their incredible and truly unique music instruments to keep on inspiring musicians and finding a home in countless studios to come. We strongly believe the effort and innovation incorporated in Hexinverter Électronique eurorack modules are far too great to prematurely become history. Erica Synths will take over the manufacturing, sales, and support of several Hexinverter Électronique modules. While retaining all functionality of Hexinverter Électronique modules, Erica Synths redesigned the hardware of modules and will provide support for reissue modules only.

GATE is a DC-coupled output. This is perfect for supplying random triggers in your system
SCREECH features a dark, howling overtone to the main NOISE output
SIZZLE features a related control, which takes the output from pure white noise when turned fully clockwise to a vinyl-like crackle when turned anti-clockwise
TEAR sounds like the noise generator is broken and tearing itself apart
All outputs work simultaneously and are simultaneously affected by the pitch knob or CV
The frequency of VCNO can be modulated via CV – just patch any CV signal into this jack
A clock signal input bypasses the internal frequency generator. You can apply a clock from a trigger sequencer to create a pseudorandom drum trigger pattern synced to the rest of your drums.

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