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Hexinverter Électronique MUTANT SNARE

販売価格: 36,763円

[通常販売価格: 37,900円]

重さ: 1lb


Mutant Snare Designed by Hexinverter, from classic electro snares to warping, alien percussion, the Mutant Snare is a radical departure from the static sounds of the TR-808.


  • Analog bridged-t sinewave oscillators, for those organic-sounding tones we've come to love from the 808
  • TONE control blends between the two sinewaves of different frequency
  • SHELL PITCH lets you tune one of the sine waves, to change the pitch of your snare drum
  • SNAPPY adds some noise to the snare
  • an analog white noise generator feeds the SNAPPY circuit
  • an external input lets you patch any sound source you like into the SNAPPY generator
  • voltage control of SNAPPY decay
  • SNAPPY feeds into an analog selectable high-pass or band-pass filter
  • voltage control of filter cutoff frequency
  • when nothing is plugged into the cutoff CV input, the SNAPPY envelope OR the adjustable sinewave from the SHELL generator normalize through the CV attenuverter for cutoff CV. A jumper on the back of the module allows you to select which of these internal modulation signals are routed here
  • filter has three resonance settings: classic 808 (low resonance), high resonance, and self oscillation
  • bipolar attenuators (aka: 'attenuverters') on CV inputs

Redesigned by Erica Synths in close collaboration with Hexinverter. 


Audio output10Vptp
CV levels -5V - +5V
Power consumption+62mA, -57mA
Module width13HP
Module depth20mm

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